The Magic Circle is celebrating the election of its first woman President

15 September 2021

Photo by Henri White

The Magic Circle is celebrating the election of its first woman President who won the role this week at its Annual General Meeting.
For the first time in its history, a woman was nominated for the role and won the position with a resounding majority.  The society also elected Katherine Rhodes, its Secretary last year, as its new Vice-President.

Ms Swann, who is a professional magician: “Ever since I got into magic aged five, The Magic Circle has had a big impact on my life. I am so proud and honoured to be elected as President, and look forward to representing all of our Members around the world. Magic is a wonderful performance art and our members come from all sorts of backgrounds. We have amateur as well as professional members and I hope The Magic Circle can continue to support all of them, and I hope that I can encourage more women to become magicians too”

The Magic Circle has it headquarters in Central London and as well as meetings for its Members, has a museum, theatre and performance spaces welcoming members of the public to its many events.

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Photo by Henri White

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