The Great Baldini.

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How To Create Your Magical Persona!

For the last five years, professional magician David Hoare has performed as ‘The Great Baldini’ to widespread acclaim. His flamboyant character styles himself as ‘The Emperor of Illusion’, ‘Prince of Prestidigitation’ and ‘Maharajah of Mystery’. He further describes himself as a magical legend, a music hall relic and an old-school theatrical performer!

This unique lecture/workshop is all about how to create your magical persona. It’s an interactive, multi-media, step-by-step guide about one question: ‘Who are you when you perform Magic?’ By the end of the evening, you’ll have a practical tool kit to create your own unique performing character — no matter what type of magic you perform.

David Hoare/Baldini turned pro in 2019 after 35 years in the entertainment and hospitality industry. He’s a member of the Magic Circle and President of the Bristol Society of Magic. He performs in theatres throughout the UK as well as at private parties and events.

His shows: ‘Showman: The Magic Of The Maestro’ and ‘Illusionati – A Dark Magic Conspiracy’ have both won awards at the Buxton Fringe Festival and have sold out at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

David/Baldini has presented this lecture to the Wessex Magic Association, Bristol Society of Magic, the Society of American Magicians and the BOCA Magic Club in Florida.

This is a distinctive one-of-a-kind lecture from which all magicians can benefit! Come along, enjoy an evening at our glorious HQ and enjoy this funny, practical, insightful lecture about a subject that most of us, if we’re honest, don’t think about enough.

“Baldini is truly a larger-than-life character. This is a valuable insight into building a persona from the ground up. The lecture is engaging, informative and presented with great humour.”
– Wessex Magical Association
“Full of great ideas from his lifetime of theatrical experience, everyone learned something.”
– Boca Magic Club, Florida
“A truly exceptional lecture.”
– Society Of American Magicians


The Great Baldini – Creating a Magic Persona – Workbook

The Great Baldini – Developing A Magical Persona – Descriptor Examples

The main document is a WORKBOOK. For those watching remotely please ask them to print a copy and have it with them during the session. The second is a LIST OF DESCRIPTORS – this is just a small aid to prompt thought.. I will bring hard copies of both documents to the session on Monday.


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